A Wanderer's Guide to New York City and Brooklyn.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Cheese Education Round One: Books

With every new journey, there is always one crucial question to be answered: Where do I begin?
It is with this thought in mind that I took to the Internet to see what some of my cheese education options were!  Option 1: books.  Now I've never been a big reader (I'm one of those people who would say she likes the "idea of reading more than the actual process"), but I decided to take the plunge anyway.  After reading a TON of reviews and hopefully weeding out the books written by weird, no-name randos (is that not PC?), I was able to narrow my search down to two books with which to begin building an understanding of the lovely food.  

1: Cheesemonger: A Life on the Wedge by Gordon Edgar
With luck, I'll finish reading the book before I put it in my bookshelf and forget about it (like most others, sadly), given that the book looks to be like more of a narrative story, than a formal guide to the history, making, etc. of cheese. 

2: Mastering Cheese: Lessons for Connoisseurship from a Maitre Fromager by Max McCalman
This hardcover book seems to be more of a coffee table decoration in appearance, and a more formal guide to the ins and outs of the cheese world than the first book. 

So with that, I'm off to the bookstore to make my purchases.  I'll be checking back in as I run across interesting or provocative (cheese, provocative?  YES!) topics.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Welcome to the blog!

Hello all you cheese lovers out there! Let me be the first (and only) cheesemongress to welcome you to my blog, crosta di formaggio (for short), my journey to better understand the ever-elusive world of artisanal cheese - from its history, how it is made, aged, bought, sold, and most importantly, why we love it so much!  I hope you'll stop back once in a while to follow me on what I expect will be an exciting and surely challenging adventure.  And please feel free to share your own experiences and thoughts on the wonderful world of artisan cheese...or any other cheese for that matter!